International Summer School on Innovative Dairy Science Education
InnoDairyEdu, a European project on “Innovative Dairy Science education material development, focused on Products, Processes, Quality, Safety & Entrepreneurship, using Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and Open Educational Resources (OER)”, funded with support from the European Commission, under the Key Action 2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices of the Erasmus plus program (2018-1-EL01-KA203-047844), activates through the School of Advanced Studies on Food and Nutrition, the "International Summer School on Innovative Dairy Science Education".
The aim of the course is to present the contents of the teaching material developed within the European InnodairyEdu Project to students attending or who have attended a three-year or master's degree course in Food Sciences or in the dairy sector. The course is in fact foreseen by the project as a tool for disseminating the results of the European Project.
All the informations on the Project can be found on the website
The Summer School agenda will be organized over 5 days during which the digital material developed within the project will be presented to the participants. Specifically, these will be the themes that will be developed:
1. Day one: Raw milk science
2. Day two: Milk and dairy products processing fundamentals
3. Day three: Advances in milk and dairy processing
4. Dairy four: Novelty, Safety, Regulatory Affairs & Entrepreneurship
5. Dairy five: Dairy science case studies
The school will be held at the Science Campus of University of Parma on June 21st-25th, 2021.
The participation to the school is free for the admitted students and grants to support students’ fees will be available.
The lectures will be in English (English knowledge at level B2, according to the Common European Framework of Reference is recommended) and at the end a certificate of participation will be issued.
Παράταση υποβολής αιτήσεων έως 10 Απριλίου 2021
The application for the selection, which must take place from March 1st 2021 to April 1st, 2021 at 12 p.m. (Italy time zone), should be presented by email to: (for Italian applicants) (for Greek applicants) (for Spanish applicants) (for Polish applicants) (for Cypriot applicants)
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